Indie Dock Music Blog

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Nate Flud – Anchor
The music of Nate Flud, a musician and producer from Los Angeles, clearly shows the latest trends in the changes of American mainstream music. His new single 'Anchor' was released on January 1 and only confirms the direction of movement chosen by this musician.

Over the last decade, the development of rap has reached its apogee in popularity and some original artists of this genre have embarked on experiments with rock music to become even more original. On the other hand, the pop punk genre, slowly losing its popularity, turned its attention to its successful neighbor in the form of Hip Hop. These two styles came from the streets of one big city called New York and as the classics of the genre say it's not just music, it's part of the street subculture. And as the cult drummer of the cult Blink-182 once said about this historical reunion that it would be strange no matter how it happened. 

The new track by Nate Flud is a great example of the evolution of pop punk and it seems to me that this is the direction in which this style will move in the near future. The guitar overloaded introduction tunes us to the lyrics released by pleasant vocals, which in turn intersects with the hip hop beats from the analog bass heavy 800 soundscape. In the choruses of the single, the main vocals are supported by Emo backs, which adds expressiveness to the poems about the hopelessness of the situation. The song is about the anchors that make us stand still and that prevents us from moving forward. Each of us has such anchors in life and sometimes it is very difficult to raise it, and for some it is not possible. A talented musical solution is always worth noting. Listen to the latest release from Nate Flut - the single 'Anchor' below.