Indie Dock Music Blog

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Safari Youth – Everybody Else Knows
London producer duo Safari Youth presented their debut album 'Everybody Else Knows'. After 12 years of fruitful cooperation, this creative duo reached an incredible level.

Their tracks have been played in many commercial and gaming projects, and now it is also known that their album 'Everybody Else Knows' will be presented on upcoming EA Sports game. Safari Youth's charisma and talent allow them to create amazingly memorable music.  

'Everybody Else Knows' consists of 14 original tracks that captivate with their dynamics and progressiveness. The pop motifs of the presented songs are clear and memorable. Vocal lines sound cool and assertive. Groove and drive are present in almost every musical composition. Elements of indie rock are filled here with synths and cool effects. Countless hooks and emotions fill each of the tracks with colors.  

Listen to the album 'Everybody Else Knows' on Spotify below and appreciate the fantastic work from the great Safari Youth.