Indie Dock Music Blog

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MoonBell – Are All Jazz Players Idealistic Nihilists?
On January 25, the new single of the Canadian music project MoonBell, which is behind the musician and producer Josh Richert, was released. In his home studio in Winnipeg, he creates amazing music filled with special philosophical content and experimental manifestations.

'Are All Jazz Players Idealistic Nihilists?' is a musical composition with an interesting arrangement and structure. The track opens with atmospheric folk arpeggios on acoustic guitar and a dreamy trumpet melody. 

A line of backing vocals complements the trumpet and brings dreamy notes, until an electric guitar filled with delay effects opens the second part of this piece of music. Epic choruses and timpani incite emotional flows that wave after wave put on each other. 

'Are All Jazz Players Idealistic Nihilists?' by MoonBell is fantastic music that opens up the boundless space and possibilities of human creativity. Listen to the single 'Are All Jazz Players Idealistic Nihilists?' below on Spotify and discover the incredible creativity of MoonBell's original music project.