Indie Dock Music Blog

Mantrix Storm - Terug van weggeweest (album)              Zachary James Smith Music – Along the Way (single)              The Afro Nick - Get There Before Noon (LA mix) (single)              Sentience Machine - Human Stigma (single)              ELDERLY WHITE MAN - Come Over Here And Stay (single)              Transmission Lost - Josephine (single)                         
Foa Hoka & Fedir Tkachov – More Light!
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The city of Chernihiv is located in northern Ukraine and was one of the first to besieged by Russian troops during their full-scale invasion of Ukraine in 2022. 40 days of siege and uncertainty nevertheless did not break the spirit and faith of the people of Chernihiv. One of the exquisite features of this city is a strong music scene that has grown a number of iconic figures in the Ukrainian indie scene. One of those iconic names is the band Foa Hoka, which still functions as a progressive representative of experimental music.
Janeuary – Loving you
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Kyiv-based artist Janeuary presented her new single and music video 'Loving you'. Her previous singles were definitely recognized by music critics and lovers of romantic songs around the world.
Magua – Silence Sirens Storm
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Released on April 24, 2024, "Silence Sirens Storm" is the latest single from Magua, a one-person band hailing from Kyiv, Ukraine. Known for his eclectic blend of breakbeat, punk, electronic, hardcore punk, grunge, folk, and funk, Magua's music defies traditional genre boundaries. The single, accompanied by an animated music video, explores time, perception, and existential uncertainty themes.
Do you know at least one Ukrainian punk rock band?
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Do you know at least one Ukrainian punk rock band? Of course, no one asked me such a question, but I sometimes ask it to my friends. Talking about the glorious traditions of Ukrainian rock n roll, I don't want to miss punk itself. The first thing that comes to my mind is the band Borshch. Some people will say it's not punk rock, and maybe they're right. But musically and lyrically, Borshch has a spark that only lives in this style.
Janeuary – Everest
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Ukrainian singer, musician and composer Janeuary continues to write her own music despite the war started by the dictatorial authorities of the neighboring country. Her music should live and sound even in these turbulent times for her country, because it gives listeners faith and hope for the future.
SERAFIMA – Туман яром
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Our dear readers, we would like to introduce you to the talented Ukrainian artist SERAFIMA. In this difficult time for Ukraine, we continue to search for the best representatives of the new Ukrainian scene. SERAFIMA is the musical project on which Serafima Zdorenko (vocals, lyrics) and her legendary father Yuri Zdorenko (music, arrangement) are working.
Hectic – Deathlike Art
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Ukrainian death metal band Hectic recently presented their new EP 'Deathlike Art'. The mini-album consists of 3 original tracks, the style and content of which can be characterized as brutal and technical death metal.
Formation of the Ukrainian rock n roll scene
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2022 has become too difficult for one of the largest countries in Europe. It is about Ukraine and its heroic people. The passing year has brought devastation and tears, pain and suffering to the country. In its fight against the invaders, Ukraine is choosing its freedom and the right to a democratic future. Today we wanted to remember the glorious past of this musical nation and especially, we are interested in the development of the rock scene in Ukraine, in a country with its ancient roots and culture. How it was and how it was born.
bedroom dj – Side A
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bedroom dj is a music project from Ukraine that released a 4-track EP 'Side A' on December 23. The record was recorded in the act's home studio using electronic instruments and guitars.
Сома – Модуляция
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Ukrainian band Сома presented a new album 'Модуляция' on November 1. The album consists of 8 tracks that carry a mixture of electronic and live music developed in a new concept for the band.