Indie Dock Music Blog

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Janeuary – Loving you
Kyiv-based artist Janeuary presented her new single and music video 'Loving you'. Her previous singles were definitely recognized by music critics and lovers of romantic songs around the world.

Janeuary is a musician, multi-instrumentalist and singer-songwriter gives a piece of herself when she writes a new musical composition. 'Loving you' is a special song that captivates and inspires us to go all the way in a love relationship.

'Loving you' is a soulful ballad with acoustic instruments, in the heart of which piano and violin create miracles of harmony and melodism. We completely immerse ourselves in this work, and through the vocal line we enter the world of emotions and experiences.

In the music video 'Loving you', we have the opportunity to enter the world of the main character full of determination. Vintage aesthetics subtly conveys the most secret movements of the soul and a mysterious aura always hovers somewhere nearby, magnetically attracting us to this romantic mood.  

Watch the music video "Loving You' below on YouTube and enjoy a beautiful song from the charming Janeuary.