Indie Dock Music Blog

RISE - Healing Hearts (single)              The Ben Poore Project - One For Sorrow (single)              Suburban Bicycle Gang - Bud The Spud (single)              Bury The Pines - Destiny (single)              Twelve Days in June - Hiraeth (album)              Dax - Lonely Dirt Road (video)                         
Do you know at least one Ukrainian punk rock band?
Do you know at least one Ukrainian punk rock band? Of course, no one asked me such a question, but I sometimes ask it to my friends. Talking about the glorious traditions of Ukrainian rock n roll, I don't want to miss punk itself. The first thing that comes to my mind is the band Borshch. Some people will say it's not punk rock, and maybe they're right. But musically and lyrically, Borshch has a spark that only lives in this style.

"Hello, Yuri," I shouted, raising my hand in the Barman Dictat club in Kyiv, filled with music lovers. I got to Kyiv on the day of the scheduled concert of the band Borshch, their first live performance in several years, and sat down at the bar. Yuri Zdorenko, Borshch's vocalist and guitarist, smiled  and waved at me in return. I met Yuri at one of the major Ukrainian rock festivals in 2013. Back then, Borshch was the headliner of many of them. 

The air in the club was electrified to explode instantly. The stage at Barman Dictat is at the very end of the elongated room, and along its entire length is a chic bar counter. Behind the bar and tables scattered along the way to the stage, all seats are already occupied. In the semi-dark room, enough people gathered to pump up this small underground hall. The low stage was illuminated with pink shades. Suddenly, thunderous sounds, or more precisely, the pounding of drums, made everyone turn their eyes to the stage. This is Borshch's drummer, who is obviously the youngest member of the band. Two gurus of Ukrainian rock n roll came out no less full of enthusiasm and artistic appeal. Yuri Zdorenko on guitar and Oleksandr Pipa on bass.  

The engine of their music opened the entire space and, like a tractor, plowed the field for experiments. Drive, energy and rhythm were one whole in that burning moment. They sang their songs full of self-irony and original sarcasm. The machine called Borshch sounded and sounded powerful. Charisma and charm in tandem with a punk rock sound were more energizing than alcohol, extreme sports or romantic victories. The fist of Borshch's music hit right in the chest, making breathe faster and faster. No, there was no chaos, people had fun in their own way and peacefully. Middle-aged people, young people and children, everyone was present at this event, glorification of rock n roll cult. It is necessary to visit such concerts more often, I thought then, because there are fewer and fewer legends among us, and new ones are not expected.