Indie Dock Music Blog

Ryan McDavid - Bye Bye Unicorn (single)              K-LAT - The Demo Tape (album)              Karen Salicath Jamali - Dreams of Angels (album)              Coma Beach - Passion/Bliss (album)              Wisco - B O A T R O C K (album)              Third Man Syndrome - Ikarus (single)                         
Gary Dranow – Mother’s Angry
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Gary Dranow's new single 'Mother's Angry' was released on February 8. The song tells about climate change and issues related to it.
Gary Dranow – Jane
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'Jane' is the new single from American artist Gary Dranow and his band The Manic Emotions. The song tells about the human longing for the restoration of relationships and about the inner willpower that allows us to remain human in the most unpredictable situations.
Matt DeAngelis – Free At Last
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'Free At Last' is the title of the new single of the American singer-songwriter Matt DeAngelis. The release of the new song took place on February 2 and gave us another life-affirming song that helps us go through life confidently.
Tracy Eckstrand – Who Is Gonna Rescue You
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Tracy Eckstrand is a talented singer-songwriter from Rochester, New York who puts a piece of her heart into her work. Her songs are pure and true, they are filled with life wisdom and acceptance of life as it is.
Gary Dranow – Self Sacrafice
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Remembering the series of new songs from Gary Dranow, we could not bypass his fresh rock release 'Self Sacrafice'. This heartbreaking hard rock track goes straight to our hearts with its powerful message.
Gary Dranow – Floating Away
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'Floating Away' is a soul healing track from Gary Dranow and his musical team. Gary Dranow performs this song with Chris Zoupa and it's a truly exciting piece of music.
Astralix – Still Raining
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Astralix is an EDM project of the well-known American musician Gary Dranow and his band The Manic Emotions. We have already mentioned the previous two singles of this project, which were released last year, and now it is time for their fresh release called 'Still Raining'.
Gary Dranow – Chaos
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'Chaos' this is a new track from the American artist and producer Gary Dranow. Together with his band The Manic Emotions, Gary Dranow continues to inspire the modern rock scene with amazing songs.
Miles East – Lucky To Be Here Tonight
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On January 30, New York artist Miles East released his new single 'Lucky To Be Here Tonight'. The song will be included in his upcoming album 'Between Lightning and Thunder’, which is scheduled to be released on June 7.
The Sound of Mountains – Heal My Rage
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'Heal My Rage' is the third single of the Californian music project The Sound of Mountains from the upcoming album that will be released later. The Sound of Mountains this is primarily Christopher Morin, who writes and records his own music.
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