Indie Dock Music Blog

Mantrix Storm - Terug van weggeweest (album)              Zachary James Smith Music – Along the Way (single)              The Afro Nick - Get There Before Noon (LA mix) (single)              Sentience Machine - Human Stigma (single)              ELDERLY WHITE MAN - Come Over Here And Stay (single)              Transmission Lost - Josephine (single)                         
Ninni – White Christmas
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'White Christmas' is a new single from Italian singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Ninni. His works have always attracted our attention and this time we also decided not to bypass this magical release.
OTO MAYUMI – Good and Bad Shades
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'Good and Bad Shades' is the title of the debut album of a fantastic artist OTO MAYUMI. The album was released on December 1 and presented the world with a beautiful conceptual work in the styles of alternative rock and J-pop.
Giardini Oort – Humans
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On November 23, the new single of the Italian music project Giardini Oort was released. The track is called 'Humans' and its ambiguous music opens the door to the world of new knowledge and global awareness.
Sunset Surrender – Lies, Lies, Lies!
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On August 14, a new single by the Italian artist Sunset Surrender was released. The song is called 'Lies, Lies, Lies!' and it opens a new page in the work of this mysterious and unpredictable artist.
Darvaza Wave – Berlin’s Hope
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The song 'Berlin's Hope' written 10 years ago and only now found its final form in a single released by the Italian rock band Darvaza Wave. The song tells about late adolescence and the challenges faced by young people.
Lorenzo Cimino – Hommage à Jon Hassell
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Lorenzo Cimino a famous contemporary Italian trumpeter and composer. His work spans a number of excellent recordings and collaborations. Having received an excellent education in playing the trumpet and jazz composition, Lorenzo Cimino embarks on a wide creative voyage full of various projects, knowledge and awards.
Stefano Manotti – Borsa Nera
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Italian singer-songwriter Stefano Manotti writes and releases insightful and heartbreaking songs. 'Borsa Nera' is one of them and this is the latest single of this talented artist.
Ninni – Have Fun (Remastered 2023)
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The Italian musician and producer Ninni presented a new version of his song 'Have Fun', which received a completely new concept of reproduction and sound. Ninni writes, arranges and records his tracks himself, experimenting with sounds close to alternative rock and electronic pop.
Perdurabo – Dark Fire
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Perdurabo is the pseudonym of an Italian musician and producer Davide Arneodo, a member of the well-known alternative rock band Marlene Kuntz. Under this name he releases its own musical compositions that were written and recorded independently.
Masked Tears – Requiem Maqabre
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The Italian hard rock band Masked Tears shared their single and music video 'Requiem Maqabre' earlier this year. The band has been playing heavy metal and the styles associated with it for a long time and their songs have a deep meaning in their songs that makes us think.
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