Indie Dock Music Blog

Mantrix Storm - Terug van weggeweest (album)              Zachary James Smith Music – Along the Way (single)              The Afro Nick - Get There Before Noon (LA mix) (single)              Sentience Machine - Human Stigma (single)              ELDERLY WHITE MAN - Come Over Here And Stay (single)              Transmission Lost - Josephine (single)                         
TruckerBomb – Mobridge, South Dakota
Musician Troy Richardson graduated from Berkeley College of Music in Boston and has not given up music since. Before forming his own music band TruckerBomb, Troy played bass a lot and wrote songs in other American music projects.

TruckerBomb recently released their second single called 'Mobridge, South Dakota'. Following the basic musical traditions of Americana, the singer tells us one of the country stories. This time we move to South Dakota and the small town of Mobridge. The big bridge over the famous Missouri River is what the hero of the song, possible see. Quiet and calm around like the rhythm of the song. Nothing happens here in Mobridge, South Dakota. TrackerBomb sings about this geographical point in a melancholy way so nice that we involuntarily fall in love with this quiet corner of America and want to move there for a quiet country life where all things are slower and perhaps more correct than anywhere else. 

The music of the single sounds in the best country traditions with wonderful guitar parts, the collection of which sounds exquisite in the American way. So, if you haven't been to 'Mobridge, South Dakota' before - let's go straight to the trip now by going down to Spotify below.