Indie Dock Music Blog

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Dave Mohan – Somewhere Beyond the Blue
Dave Mohan is a British songwriter and composer known for his collaborations with a number of top-notch singers, musicians and producers. But most importantly, this is the music that he leaves as his legacy. His music is multifaceted and inspiring, he always tries to decorate our lives with it and open the most secret corners of our souls to us.

Dave Mohan's latest single 'Somewhere Beyond the Blue', was released last month and is a great addition to his colorful music catalog. The song 'Somewhere Beyond the Blue' is a ballad about separation and future loneliness, about loyalty and memory. The vocal part is performed by the Argentinian singer Carolina de la Muella, who sensually leads her line with her warm and deep timbre.  

The piano accompaniment from Dave Mohan is the masterful work of a composer and musician who feels every word and every breath, adding an organic and beautiful musical content to this great composition. The sounds of the cello brighten up the song with their melodious melismas and express the aesthetics of the song well. 'Somewhere Beyond the Blue' by Dave Mohan is a real masterpiece that stands out for its incredible beauty among modern song art.  

Listen to the single 'Somewhere Beyond the Blue' below on Spotify and enjoy the graceful and soulful song from maestro Dave Mohan.