Indie Dock Music Blog

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John Puchiele Ensemble – AFTER LIFE
John Puchiele Ensemble presented 6th album 'AFTER LIFE' on September 27. The record includes 9 musical compositions which are a kind of allegory of the journey after death.

Plunging into this music, we seem to fall into an environment unknown to us, but it seems that it is all so close and understandable. Wide layers of atmospheric sound with colorful harmonies and amazing turns make us focus on ourselves.  

Track by track, we go through this incredible neo-classical music, which can equally be called avant-garde and ambient. The cinematographic potential of the album 'AFTER LIFE' is simply huge, like all other wonderful works of this talented composer. For over 4 decades, John Puchiele has worked tirelessly to build on his great musical legacy by creating his own stunning music catalog.  

Listen to the album 'AFTER LIFE' and see for yourself the charisma and uniqueness of John Puchiele Ensemble's music.