Indie Dock Music Blog

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Pharaohs – Fable
The duo Pharaohs released their debut single 'Fable' on October 1. Creatively related souls found each other on the Gold Coast of Australia whilst Dj-ing at a late-night.

Creative tandem Pharaohs created by Kendall James and Brett Sellwood. The song 'Fable' is an electronic pop song characterized by dark waves of backgrounds and indie aura. Warm piano form the basis of the composition and dreamy vocals fly along the plane of the musical canvas.  

Rhythmic synth sounds add harmony and misty backing vocals create a wide atmosphere of immensity. The lyrics tell about the doubts that come before every important decision in a person's life. Even after the decision is made, doubts do not leave us and continue to come in sad moments.  

Pharaohs have released only the first track of their work and they show a great result in the form of the single 'Fable'. We will follow their new releases, and right now listen to the single 'Fable' on Spotify below and appreciate the beautiful electronic music filled with content from Pharaohs.