Indie Dock Music Blog

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Mayflow – Better Day
Italian electronic duo Mayflow released their new single 'Better Day' on September 30. This graceful composition absorbed the spirit of melancholy mood and strange images.

The music gained colorful rhythms that combine with synthesizer arpeggios in one slow dance. We listening to disturbing lyrics that are full of fear and ambiguity waiting for each person in future. Back vocals suports the smooth character of the composition and the continuous foggy background creates a deep image of the ephemerality of being.  

The duo Mayflow was created during quarantine in 2020 by producer Mayford Fox and singer LowKey. Their collaboration has borne fruit and their joint work has produced wonderful singles. The mixture of electronics and experimental music enchants and immerses in a strange world of sounds and harmony.  

Listen to the single 'Better Day' on Spotify below and dive into the depths of Mayflow's creative vortex.