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Raleÿell – let them stare
The fourth single by Israeli singer Raleÿell was released on September 13. The song is called 'let them stare' and it is next great filling of the artist's songs catalog.

The sound of 'let them stare' is organic and clean. Affectionate bells begin the flow of slow music and the singer enters it with soulful vocals. She sings about the good and its importance in everyone's life. 

It is not necessary to pay attention to all the negativity that pours from other people's hearts becouse is their private affair and we must go our own way unique and bright.  

Pop-rock choruses burst with emotion and elevate us to the spiritual beauty of the singer. She no longer wants to fight the invisible emotions that fill other people's hearts. Bright music with a colorful rhythm and a melodic guitar solo opens the door to a new lovely life.  

Listen to the single 'let them stare' on Spotify below and enjoy a pure and heartfelt song from Raleÿell.