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Leeroy Stagger – Does Anybody Live Here?
The second single from his new album was shared by Canadian singer-songwriter Leeroy Stagger. The song is called 'Does Anybody Live Here?' and it takes a place of honor in the audio catalog of the artist.

Leeroy Stagger is based in Victoria where he produces his own songs giving them to the world. Folk roots and Americana are the basis of his stylistic orientation and the artist never stands still and moves experimenting with new musical trends and lyrical themes.  

Song 'Does Anybody Live Here?' has a harmonious movement with a country mood where musical instruments merge in a single stream with the singer's vocals. His soulful and calm singing sensually reveals the sad theme of the song. The lyrics touch the soul strings of those who have experienced the breakup of a close relationship and experienced this pain of loss and devastation.  

In the music video 'Does Anybody Live Here?' a film unfolds where one story of each other's separation and reconciliation is shooted. Sometimes a persons wants to be alone and leaves everything familiar and close to them to get new emotions and experiences, but after a deep reassessment of the meaning of feelings they returns to where they is so drawn. 

Watch the music video 'Does Anybody Live Here?' from Leeroy Stagger on YouTube below and enjoy another love story.