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Avresa – Patience (Delta Variant)
'Patience, patience every one please' - asks the author of the song 'Patience (Delta Variant)' Australian artist Avresa. His new single was released on August 26 and continued the author's series of songs on the subject of lockdown and coronavirus.

Avresa successfully captures the essence of the problem in his works. He sees only one way out of difficult times and that is patience, hope and love. All other methods of dealing with the main challenge of our time are not effective but only exacerbate the problem. The virus has not disappeared and it seems that this is not the end of all human suffering. But aggression, hatred and protests are the wrong way to eradicate the evil called coronavirus.  

Avresa sings in a calm tone to a post-punk accompaniment recorded by himself. The song sounds like a hymn of humanity and care. In the music video 'Patience (Delta Variant)' selected clips from recent news that broadcast the fight against the virus and in some places drove humanity into panic. 

People became fierce after the daily fate of the negativity of their screens and Internet devices. They became more selfish and began to think only of their salvation and their understanding of freedom. But we know that the old principles of freedom do not work in the current state of affairs, so we must wait and be patient. 

Watch the music video 'Patience (Delta Variant)' on YouTube below and be patient as the artist Avresa asks.