Indie Dock Music Blog

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SC – Feels Like Yesterday
On August 20, a new single by American artist SC was released. His new song was called 'Feels Like Yesterday' and continued SC's experiments with a new sound.

The track opens with a guitar sound and uniform rock beats. The singer's pure vocals sound beautiful and fresh. Choruses get a different arrangement of pop rock and next trip hop embellished with cold synthesizers. 

'Feels Like Yesterday' is a song that revealed the diverse talent of the artist SC. His charisma is felt in his simple understandable lyrics so close to those who have something to remember.  

The music of the single is modern and romantic. Its structure caught a few sharp turns and the main nostalgic note. The nature of organic lyrics and lively running of this music is opens this track for us and we happy to listen it again.  

Listen to the single 'Feels Like Yesterday' on Spotify below and discover the work of the young artist SC.