Indie Dock Music Blog

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Lapels – Warning Lights
It's been a long time since British bands like Oasis and Blur have been on top of world pop music. But since then the style that they have created continues to move the masses and give birth to new wonderful bands. One such band is Lapels from the English city of Nottingham.

Lapels are four friends who started creating their music in 2018. Their debut single was recently released on July 9th. The song is called 'Warning Lights' and its sounds are real British pop based on guitar sound. 

Tight music is widely played with guitar arrangements and colorful rhythms. The vocals have a rock n roll hoarseness and it sways in its range telling one of the urban stories. 

The overall impression of the Lapels band is inspiring. We are sure that the band is talented and we will hear more than once about their musical exploits. They need rock n roll and rock n roll need them. 

Listen to the single 'Warning Lights' below on Spotify and immerse yourself in the atmosphere of great British sound performed by Lapels.