Indie Dock Music Blog

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faSade – Freedom to Carry (Is Not Free)
Boston-based artist faSade, in his home studio, creates thoughtful songs that touch on social and philosophical themes. His new single is called 'Freedom to Carry (Is Not Free)'.

This song fully reveals the topic of gun violence in America. Recently, we have been seeing more and more news about one or another case of violence where weapons were used and perhaps it is time to think about the consequences of such freedom of its use.

With his new song, faSade is holding a kind of protest against the appearance of weapons in schools and public places, and his manifesto is very simple - he doesn't want the kind of Freedom where someone has to carry their child to the cemetery. The musical composition 'Freedom to Carry (Is Not Free)' has an alarming character with a melody and improvisation on the saxophone.

The sad motif of the song 'Freedom to Carry (Is Not Free)' is transmitted to the music video of the same name. Here we have the opportunity to see an adequate illustration of the presented lyrics. The video is filled with additional video materials about the availability of weapons in America and the possible consequences of all this. In this video we follow the main characters and their pain and sympathize and grieve with them.

Watch the music video 'Freedom to Carry (Is Not Free)' below on YouTube and discover the work of a true artist faSade .