Indie Dock Music Blog

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Steven Winton – Outlaws
Steven Winton is known primarily for his participation in the music band Fridge Magnets and when, after a 10-year hiatus from his active creative life, he came out with his own single 'Outlaws' we are happy to welcome him back.

Steven Winton recognizable for his melodic vocal lines and now his single 'Outlaws' delights our ears with magnificent hooks and vital lyrics. Upbeat rhythm and rock n roll phrases of keyboards and electric guitar make this track so desirable in the warm summer season, when you can feel life to the fullest.

The song 'Outlaws' tells about rest and finding oneself after the constant pursuit of hustle and bustle. Listening to 'Outlaws', we think about the transience of life and the fact that we should really give ourselves the freedom to do what our soul wants from time to time.  

Listen to the single 'Outlaws' below on Spotify and enjoy a great new song from Steven Winton.