Indie Dock Music Blog

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Gabrielle Manna – Call Out Post
'Call Out Post' is the title of the debut single of the New York artist Gabrielle Manna. This folk rock ballad is a real outlet for those who have experienced a difficult experience of misunderstanding and violence in relationships.

Gabrielle Manna sings about feelings and at the same time showing two sides of the coin, satirical and dark. Velvet vocals are gently supported by an acoustic guitar. The song 'Call Out Post' flows thinly and its main motive is memorable.  

The talented Gabrielle Manna puts a piece of her own experience into the song, showing what the artist's attitude to such a situation can be. Gabrielle Manna is just starting her musical career and we see her charisma and originality, which is so valuable in the modern indie scene.  

Listen to the single 'Call Out Post' below on Spotify and enjoy a great debut from the promising Gabrielle Manna.