Indie Dock Music Blog

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Monobjo – ‘TAROT (Original Score)’
The new work from the Italian musician and composer Monobjo is called 'TAROT (Original Score)'. This is a full-length album consisting of 22 original tracks, each of which through a musical prism reflects the aesthetics of each of the main trump cards of the Tarot.

It is known that Tarot cards were invented in Italy and therefore it is correct that such a cool composer as Monobjo tells us about them. His solo career began in 2013 and he recorded several amazing albums. 

Monobjo works closely with theaters and, in particular, with dancers. The album 'TAROT (Original Score)' is also planned to be presented in theaters in Italy next year. 

Musically, 'TAROT (Original Score)', this is of course a conceptual work that reflects the mystical and mysterious component of each of the 22 trump cards. Mixing the elements of electronic and classical music, Monobjo achieved a synergy of sound, melodies, wonder and delight.  

Listen to the album 'TAROT (Original Score)' below on Spotify and immerse yourself in the special world of Monobjo's art.