Indie Dock Music Blog

Matt Saxton - Take It or Leave It (single)              Danielle Whalebone - Whispers of Shadows (album)              Raising Ravens - Motives (album)              TOUCAN - Don't Understand Why (album)              Mighty Joshua - Dreaducation (album)              Catlea - Lying (single)                         
Jane N’ The Jungle – Life of the Party (Acoustic)
Jane N' The Jungle shared an acoustic version of 'Life of the Party', the title track of their new mini-album. Jordan White's vocals flow in a new way in Brian Dellis' harsh and raw acoustic guitar. Her emotional power fully reveals the essence and aesthetics of this song.

'Life of the Party' tells about addiction and the fight against drugs. There are many wonderful things such as love or a child that can inspire this struggle.  

In the music video 'Life of the Party (Acoustic)', images of lovers and their experiences appear in psychedelic, dark tones. Against the background of these semi-mystical mise-en-scenes, the power of words and lyrics that comes from somewhere deep in the soul is felt.  

Watch the music video 'Life of the Party (Acoustic)' below on YouTube and experience an acoustic version of a really cool track from Jane N' The Jungle.