Indie Dock Music Blog

Matt Saxton - Take It or Leave It (single)              Danielle Whalebone - Whispers of Shadows (album)              Raising Ravens - Motives (album)              TOUCAN - Don't Understand Why (album)              Mighty Joshua - Dreaducation (album)              Catlea - Lying (single)                         
Dax – Dear Alcohol (Mega Remix)
The artist Dax has made a stunning musical career thanks to his talent as a storyteller, singer and rapper. His songs have some inner power that raises people's potential to a higher level.

Self-criticism and faith in goodness are the main trump cards of his songs, and 'Dear Alcohol (Mega Remix)' is one of them. This song is a kind of manifesto of the fight against alcoholism and a warning against alcohol consumption.  

12 different artists participated in the creation of the song, selected through a contest on TikTok, each of them tells their own story filled with anger and despair. Those who have had problems with alcoholism will quickly accept this song as their own, and the song will help those who abuse it to realize and move away from alcohol forever.

Beautiful melodic verses against the background of addictive hip hop sound amazing. Dax managed to gather around him talents from all over the world to show us another side of a fake friend named alcohol.  

Watch the music video 'Dear Alcohol (Mega Remix)' below on YouTube and appreciate the amazing new work from Dax.