Indie Dock Music Blog

Mantrix Storm - Terug van weggeweest (album)              Zachary James Smith Music – Along the Way (single)              The Afro Nick - Get There Before Noon (LA mix) (single)              Sentience Machine - Human Stigma (single)              ELDERLY WHITE MAN - Come Over Here And Stay (single)              Transmission Lost - Josephine (single)                         
Lolita Terrorist Sounds – St. Lola (live video session)
The Italian band Lolita Terrorist Sounds creates a unique layer of culture with the help of their music. Their colorful singles catalog will soon be replenished with their debut album 'St. Lola'. The release of the album is scheduled for October 20, and for now we have their music video of the same name in front of us.

The song 'St. Lola' has a rather avant-garde sound, where the riff component runs through the entire musical structure. Emotional vocals are fueled by incredible inner energy that spills out in monotonous phrases. Crisp drive sounds are filled with cinematic effects that create an immersive atmosphere.

In the music video 'St. Lola', the vocalist sings in a closed space. Next to him is a beautiful girl with closed eyes. This is a kind of image of lost love and broken destiny, and here the dark aesthetics of the song are perfectly conveyed thanks to movements and well-chosen mise-en-scenes.  

Watch the music video 'St. Lola' from Lolita Terrorist Sounds on YouTube below and stay tuned for the debut from this enigmatic and interesting band.