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Para Lia – In Clash With The Zeitgeist
'In Clash With The Zeitgeist' is the title of the third full-length album of the German musical duo Para Lia. The release of their new album took place recently and they can certainly be proud of the work done.

'In Clash With The Zeitgeist' is a conceptually balanced album in which alternative rock and post-punk harmoniously coexist. Each of the 11 tracks of the album has its own peculiarity and the uniqueness of motifs, forms and arrangements stands out. Melodic guitars and springy bass with clear beats create a colorful palette of sound. 

Vocal lines often turn into duets, which reinforces the romantic and life-affirming component of the lyrics, and it sounds simply impressive. Among the tracks of the album there are experimental ones and those that lead the tracklist in a new direction in order to re-establish a complete picture of this musical tapestry.  

Elements of psychedelic and garage rock and even opera meet in this amazing record and co-exist harmoniously. 'In Clash With The Zeitgeist' is an interesting and rich album that is worth paying attention to all lovers of indie and alternative.  

Listen to the album 'In Clash With The Zeitgeist' from Para Lia on Spotify below and watch one of their latest music videos below on YouTube.