Indie Dock Music Blog

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My Glass World – What We Call Love
The London band My Glass World already has 6 albums in its music catalog that we can listen to and find something new for ourself every time. My Glass World create serious music with deep lyrics in an original manner combining rock, pop, jazz and classical.

Their track 'What We Call Love' recently received a video version that is designed to further reveal these ambiguous words. In our tumultuous time, when a lie is taken for the truth to achieve their useful goals, the expression My Glass World has ceased to be just a philosophical thought.  

When Russia treacherously attacks its neighbor and destroys dams there and launches hundreds of rockets every day, they call their activities love. This is just an example of how words and their meaning are transformed, and the band perfectly reproduces this meaning in their song.  

The main musical leitmotif of the track 'What We Call Love' is strings, which in a wave form are combined with electronic beats and space synthesizers. The vocals have a thoughtful mood that organically characterizes the aesthetics of this song, which is necessary in our time.  

Check out the music video 'What We Call Love' below on YouTube and dive into this serious question posed by musicians from My Glass World.