Indie Dock Music Blog

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Joachim Zoepf – Geschmacksarbeit
The German jazz musician Joachim Zoepf has been known for more than 30 years for his experimental approach to music, which from the very beginning was inspired by the classic jazz era. 'Geschmacksarbeit' is the name of sixth full format album which presents Joachim Zoepf's unique improvisational thinking and ideological creative grasp.

This disc is divided into two equal parts, each of which has 7 tracks. The first part is called 'kurzwellen' and it introduces us to the boundless world of improvisational forms where intertwining sounds, hooks and melismas created by the saxophone and bass clarinet. The maestro works miracles. A complete sense of freedom gives this music an original character, where there are elements of free jazz and swing.  

The second part of the album is called 'langwellen' and it continues an incredible journey through the sound waves of live instruments and electronics. For Joachim Zoepf as for a true master of his craft, experience in creating art objects of a musical direction is closely related to the avant-garde concept. His music is worthy of study and separate research, which requires deep immersion and perception of his unique musical palette.  

Listen to the album 'Geschmacksarbeit' from Joachim Zoepf below on Spotify and get that thrill from communicating with the high musical art of today.