Indie Dock Music Blog

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Mark Winters – Life of 3
The Texas artist Mark Winters has been writing open and soulful songs that are characterized by their wise content and real life stories. In his songs, he often uses knowledge from his own experience, which organically fits into a colorful musical arrangement.

The track 'Life of 3' is one such song from his catalog that was released in 2019. Mark Winters' voice is filled with a warm and sensual intonation, which mesmerizes and transports us into the story itself, opening before us amazing life situation.

The artist wrote this song when he was driving from Los Angeles to San Diego and when he suddenly looked in the rearview mirror and noticed a young couple with a small child in a mini van who seemed to be happy. Inspired by such a beautiful picture, his song 'Life of 3' was born, which we listen to with love, remembering the best moments from our own past.

Listen to the single 'Life of 3' below on Spotify and enjoy this incredible song from the insightful Mark Winters.