Indie Dock Music Blog

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Occurrence – Universe Moves So Fast
On February 21, a new single by the New York electronic trio Occurrence was released. The song is called 'Universe Moves So Fast' and it is part of their talented immersion in the soundscapes of the Universe and an attempt to understand its rapid movement.

The track 'Universe Moves So Fast' experimental and to some extent avant-garde because it presents an incredible palette of sound waves, deep lyrics and scattered expression. The song explores the moment of loss when all the previous tension was in vain.  

In the music video 'Universe Moves So Fast', a collage sequence is composed in which the past, present and future are intertwined. Life passes so quickly, just as the Universe itself moves. Everything that we see passes by us, leaving us and developing in the depth and width of the infinite cosmos.  

Watch the music video 'Universe Moves So Fast' below on YouTube and enjoy the aesthetic pleasure of the new work of the amazing band Occurrence.