Indie Dock Music Blog

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Mother Vulture – Mother Knows Best
The new heroes of the British rock scene are energizing the crowds at the summer festivals and releasing their killer music. Today we will talk about the band Mother Vulture and their debut album 'Mother Knows Best'.

12 incendiary tracks were given to us by a band that knows what wild energy and passion are on stage. Mother Vulture gathered in Bristol, where since 2017 they started releasing their singles and played many concerts. In which music we all recognize elements of a classic hard rock and punk that mixes in interesting proportions with blues notes and real hardcore recklessness.  

We love their music because they are the natural continuation of the great history of rock that continues and will never end. Spectacular guitar parts with an incredible power of the rhythm section and recognizable vocals of the frontman do their work perfectly and we have a new upcoming cult band that is worth paying attention to now.  

Listen to the album 'Mother Knows Best' below on Spotify and catch the fine line of talent and charisma behind the band Mother Vulture.