Indie Dock Music Blog

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Hannah Dorman – 222
British artist Hannah Dorman shared her debut mini-album '222'. The record is co-written with the singer-songwriter Ivon Roberts and the producer Sam Ray. Their meeting at a songwriting camp in Spain produced excellent results and now we have a tracklist with 5 songs that best represent Hannah Dorman as an extremely artistic and talented singer.

'222' inspires us with her spiritual strength and the powerful energy behind which stands a sensitive artist with a big heart and big aspirations. Among the presented new songs, we find and fall in love with pop-rock and pop-punk songs that are extremely melodic and deep in lyrical content.  

The author reveals the topics of love, understanding and the rights of each of us. She urges you to be yourself and not to compromise for the sake of unclear and ephemeral ideas. Her voice is powerful and soulful, in it we can feel the extraordinary creative expressiveness of the artist and her views. The musical arrangements are top-notch and it provides that continuous effect of energy and harmony.

Undoubtedly, mini-album '222' is a great work of a great artist, which is worth paying attention to. Listen to the EP '222' below on Spotify and enjoy this fantastic tracklist from the bright artist Hannah Dorman.