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Think Sanity – Think Safely
The second official album of the American band Think Sanity was released on February 19. Record is called 'Think Safely' and includes 10 cool rock songs.

'Trainwreck' starts with the first cool riffs and a powerful rhythm section. Hard rock move is perfectly combined with warm and soulful vocals that together create a strong emotional wave. The track 'Con Man' is viscous and alternative. The guitar gradually sneaks out of the drum fraction forcing compositional rise and the vocals perfectly convey the meaning of the story of the song.  

'Cardboard Box' is a composition that captures with its organicity and cordiality. The memorable bass melody is surprisingly harmonious with deep vocals and the guitar with drums strong supports the main line of the track. The song 'Smooth Seas (Scenic Route)' conveys the energy and drive of real rock with a beautiful arrangement where the vocal line and guitar parts play honest and emotional.  

Listen to the full album 'Think Safely' on Spotify below and enjoy the awesome new songs from the original and talented band Think Sanity.