Indie Dock Music Blog

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Jade Empress – Golden Hours
Jade Empress debuted with her single 'Golden Hours' on February 3rd. She has always dreamed of realizing her creative plans and now it's her time.

'Golden Hours' is a gentle and tender and at the same time strong and deep song in which Jade Empress reveals her thoughts on the flow of things in everyone's life and their impact on people. Anything can happen in life and we should accept everything as a gift and not avoid the blows of fate if we want to receive gifts from it. 

The song 'Golden Hours' reveals the beautiful timbre of vocal Jade Empress and her ability to convey emotions in her voice. Pleasant and laconic guitar accompaniment together with soft electronic percussion set the right tone for the whole composition. Beautiful arrangement and excellent performance makes this song elegant and refined.  

Listen to the single 'Golden Hours' from Jade Empress below on Spotify and appreciate her great creative potential.