Indie Dock Music Blog

Caleb Hart - Emancipation (album)              Blenko - Rebecca (album)              Marble Raft – Rites of Passage (single)              Erick Duran Manard - A Road without Any More Detours (album)              Anna Thoresen - DEAR SOULMATE (single)              Ursula Burns - The Secret Melodies of Trees (album)                         
May 13, 2024
The Mess:Age – MR W.H.O
By indiedockmusicblog | |
The Mess:Age is the brainchild of a well-known British musician and producer Ziggy "Glen Brandon". His creative path amazes with its breadth of interesting and unique projects where this outstanding musician left his mark in one way or another.
Brad Pittance and the Pirates – One Night Stand
By indiedockmusicblog | |
The British band Brad Pittance and the Pirates is based in Margate, where they continued the glorious line of ska music. After appearing on the screens of the series This Town, this musical style received a new lease of life and, accordingly, the appearance of bright new songs.
Bank Street Martyrs – Dormitory Town
By indiedockmusicblog | |
The album 'Dormitory Town' from the Scottish group Bank Street Martyrs is what we have been looking for lately in order to answer a simple question, yes, there are other bands who write and record thoughtful songs, combining them into conceptual albums.