Indie Dock Music Blog

Skeletorus - Mercury (video)              Jamie Michael - SIRIUS (video)              RØSES - Larvae (single)              Tom Minor - It's the Wind, Stupid! (single)              Spouses - Indian Summer (single)              Andrew Plews - The Macclesfield Years (album)                         
LDRDO – Lost in the Fire
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Everyone has dreams of their own Eldorado and everyone sees it differently. The Israeli artist LDRDO so named his ship, under the oars of which he went on a difficult voyage of indie musician. Its recent release 'Lost in the Fire' is a mini-album of 5 tracks that are cohesive and balanced by one sound.
Sunthower – A Brief Sequence of Events
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The American music project Sunthower is based in Portland. Recently, a new creative work was released - EP 'A Brief Sequence of Events' consisting of 4 tracks.
Away from the Earth – Paint With Gray, See in Color
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Away from the Earth is instrumental music played by one person and presented as an original music project from Memphis, USA. The originality of the melodies is undeniable.
Fashion Bird Danger Danger – Phanerothymes
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Fashion Bird Danger Danger is a supergroup and super project formed by American musicians from bands: Late Cambrian, Wheatus, Mors Syphilitica and Radiana. The band emerged as a reaction to the pandemic and the search for additional channels for the realization of their music art.
Sonar Red – The Ground Beneath Our Feet
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The main refrain of the British alternative duo Sonar Red will go through the entire length of the song, which is called 'The Ground Beneath Our Feet'. Many are encrypted in this code and the musicians started their mission with this debut single which will be included in the planned album this year.
Once Grace Forever – Live Today
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While active rock and roll touring artists paused to think about what to do next at this difficult time for all musicians, other studio projects that gravitate more to post-rock and electronic rock and roll versions focused on recording their albums.  Post-rock has always been full of its conceptual albums and it is studio work that gives such bands a chance for self-realization.

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