Indie Dock Music Blog

Nella - JEJE  (single)              Gaardens - Noise (album)              Cargocastle - Truth and Reconciliation (single)              Erro - Strawberry Moon (album)              Winchester 7 & the Runners - Sell the Apocalypse (video)              Manava Lery - Blowing changes (album)                         
alternative rock
Elephant Memoirs – Fairytales
By indiedockmusicblog | |
The English way of presenting the rock material has not been confused since the Beatles released their first single. And today we discovered this masterpiece of songwriting in the north east of England, in the town of Gateshead, which is connected with Newcastle upon Tyne by seven bridges. It will be about the band Elephant Memoirs and their latest single 'Fairytales'.
Emperor of Ice Cream – No Sound Ever Dies
By indiedockmusicblog | |
In 1922, the poem 'The Emperor of Ice-Cream' was written by Stevens and since then its modernism has continued to influence creative hearts. So later, in the early 90's in the Irish Cork City was formed a rock band of the same name 'Emperor of Ice Cream'.
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