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Joelle Charan – Streetlight Silhouettes
Dutch singer who received the The New School for Jazz and Contemporary Music's knowledge of songwriting in New York, rising star Joelle Charan has released a new single 'Streetlight Silhouettes'. This song was released on November 5 and revealed the author's idea to convey the atmosphere of winter New York.

When the city is shrouded in fog and skyscrapers rise above the Brooklyn bridge, when the mood is palpable in the air and warm music plays in the soul, then it's time to remember for a new song from Joelle Charan. Her talent is undeniable, as evidenced by the number of positive mentions in the press and radio broadcasts around the world.  

She recorded the song 'Streetlight Silhouettes' together with a well-known producer who put good ideas into the composition and provided unsurpassed production. The arrangement of this single received strings and harp sounds that create a romantic and good mood. The vocals of Joelle Charan sound magical with waves of the beautiful timbre.  

Listen to the single 'Streetlight Silhouettes' on Spotify below and enjoy a nice new song from Joelle Charan.