Indie Dock Music Blog

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Sa’ra Charismata – Life Is Not About Control
The real Swedish pop in all its beauty was presented by the singer from Stockholm Sa’ra Charismata in her new song 'Life Is Not About Control'. The track was released as a separate single on August 31 and brightened up the singer's music catalog.

Artist Sa’ra Charismata has already established herself as a talented and successful singer at homeland and globally. The song 'Life Is Not About Control' received an unforgettable vocal melody with a harmonious filling from the backing vocals. 

A clear pop rhythm pumps the song with an air of energy and freshness. Smooth synthesizers frame the composition with their breadth and comprehensiveness. The vocals are strong and energetic. The singer carries that inspiring life force and reveals the full depth of her lyrics.  

The track 'Life Is Not About Control' is a situational song that teaches life wisdom and a clear vision of the future. Listen to the single 'Life Is Not About Control' on Spotify below and enjoy Sa’ra Charismata's new great work.