Indie Dock Music Blog

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Strangely Alright – Nisqually
American psychedelic band Strangely Alright creates their music for today. They are wonderful musicians and with the help of their skills and creative inspiration give birth to great musical canvases.

Song 'Nisqually' by Strangely Alright was released as a separate single on August 14. The composition begins with the singing of birds and meditative guitar vibrations. High vocals appear and announce advices about feelings and how to look at its role in own reactions to everything around. 

The ensemble play sounds like slow descending phrases. Pure guitars with delays alternate with wide backing vocal lines. The epic guitar solo sounds on time and takes us to free thinking and contemplation of this world. The sound effects brighten up the track that stops and comes to life again. 

Strangely Alright's psychedelic links us to Syd Barrett's period of Pink Floyd as well to the Beatles' masterpiece 'Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band'. This music is eternally young and its presence in the form of the new work of the band Strangely Alright makes us and all fans of the psychedelic wave infinitely happy. 

Listen to Strangely Alright's single 'Nisqually' on Spotify below and catch that unquenchable power of human thought and musical experimentation.