Indie Dock Music Blog

Larry Karpenko - Little Things New (single)              Para Lia - Mind Song (single)              Oreaganomics - And Introducing.....shane!!! (album)              Merigold - Digital Empathy (video)     - falling fwd (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
Ralph Beeby & the Elephant Collective – Death Be Gentle (Mönchsgeier)
Ralph Beeby & the Elephant Collective is a unique London project that is an evolutionary consequence of authentic blues into the modern music scene. The project was created after the musician Ralph decided to realize his own creative idea in a solo performance.

The song 'Death Be Gentle (Mönchsgeier)' best reveals the work of this mysterious musician. Only acoustic guitar and vocals are all that Ralph needs to create an epic picture of death and its entourage. 

Dark music with a mystical beginning take us into its story and no longer lets us go. The hypnotic power of the author is unquestionable and we listen with fascination to the fragmentary texts with the real century-old blush of his acoustic guitar. 

The gothic mood hovers in the air while listening to this composition. Even when the track 'Death Be Gentle (Mönchsgeier)' is over we will return to it and play more to immerse ourselves in the play of light and darkness that creates Ralph Beeby & the Elephant Collective.