Indie Dock Music Blog

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Evie Lulu – South Side
Clean and transparent, simple and dirty - this is the music of the Australian singer-songwriter Evie Lulu. The artist is based in Melbourne, the cultural capital of Australia.

Australian indie sound is already a brand and it has taken its special eish in the alternative music world. The characteristics of the Australian indie sound are primarily manifested in its harmonious and instrumental minimalism. One such representative of the Melbourne school is Evil Lulu. 

Her sincere image is vividly shown in the music video 'South Side' where she performs all the acting roles. The song 'South Side' has a straight grunge sound that divides the track into clean and drive parts. The melody of her song sounds in minor with sad emotions. 

In the video, she stands on the stage singing in a hall where several music lovers sit with the same spirit and worldview. Her band then appears and disappears like a ghost and all the visible musicians are herself - Evie Lulu. Watch the music video 'South Side' below on YouTube and look into the depths of Evie Lulu's work.