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Martin Reynolds – Where There’s Hope
In the dark days of lockdown, strange things happened to artists and musicians. They started experimenting more. The search for himself in closed indoors has yielded results and now is the time to gather these fruits. During the quarantine period, British musician Martin Reynolds decided to immerse himself in a new art and he became a singer-songwriter.

He created the album 'Where There's Hope' and released it on June 25th. Prior to that, Martin played in a grunge blues duo on drums and such an innovative change in artistic aspirations gave rise to these 10 songs. 

Americana-style acoustics bring fresh air of hope in the first track of 'Strange Days Indeed'. A song like 'If These Walls Could Speak' is about longing for simple communication and feeling the presence of a loved one around. The harmonica gives the country-sound of the song. 

'Little Robert' is an archaic blues with a wonderful story about a wandering hero. The romantic song 'The Sea And The Moon' is a wonderful melody that flows from the author's soul into our hearts and awakens them to a new life with new love. 

Listen to the full album 'Where There's Hope' on Spotify below and feel the encouraging message that Martin Reynolds brings us with his songs.