Indie Dock Music Blog

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Sam and the Sea – Little Lies / Thinking Slow
Sam and the Sea released double single 'Little Lies / Thinking Slow' on June 25th. Being in remote areas of Canada during the isolation, the artist did not waste time in vain and through creativity realized himself.

In the song 'Little Lies' we hear bedroom pop with acoustic guitar and soft beats. Lyrics like a sad ode that touches the soul with sensual vocals. The indie backing vocals complete the composition well.  

In the song 'Thinking Slow' the author creates a gentle atmosphere with minimalist sounds and rhythmic darts. Light guitar and cascading rhythm make the song original and why we want to explore it more. 

'Sam and the Sea' created a wonderful warm sound of home comfort and peace of mind. We need such songs in our modern urban noise and growing civilization. We listen to the author's subtle emotional impulses and simple attempts to convey his works to us. Listen to the single 'Little Lies / Thinking Slow' and accept a quiet message from the state of mind of the artist Sam and the Sea.