Indie Dock Music Blog

4VR - Lie2Me (single)              Catlea - Why Them (single)              Fake Plastic - Awake in the Night (album)              Strawberry Moon - Speak My Mind (single)              Alexander Nantschev - Your Star Smells Like Mine (album)              LECTRICS - The Mommas and the Tapas (album)                         
Alexander Nantschev – Your Star Smells Like Mine
The Austria-based composer, songwriter and producer Alexander Nantschev creates his own layer of creativity that is decidedly unlike anything you've heard before. Alexander Nantschev characterizes his own style as progadelic, ​​which combines the two concepts of psychedelic and progressive.

Indeed, listening to the latest release from Alexander Nantschev, the album 'Your Star Smells Like Mine', we immerse ourselves in this special atmosphere and aura of fresh and authentic sound. As an outstanding violinist, Alexander Nantschev brings his melodies into whimsical and non-standard harmonies, creating rich and meaningful music.  

The album 'Your Star Smells Like Mine' has 10 musical compositions, each of which is a separate world of views and thoughts of this talented artist. In fact, this music has more influences, among which listening elements of art rock and classical music, folk and baroque wave.  

We strongly recommend listening to the album 'Your Star Smells Like Mine' by Alexander Nantschev on Spotify below to get acquainted with the work of this innovative artist.