Indie Dock Music Blog

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Christian Prior – Why Should I Care?
We are always happy to welcome new works and experiments by London indie musicians. Nowadays, music has become more personal due to the fact that the dominance of singer-songwriters and multi-instrumentalists has become predominant over collective music work. Today we wanted to celebrate a new single by London singer and composer Christian Prior.

The song is called 'Why Should I Care?' was released on June 10. The deep philosophical meaning is laid down in the very title of the single and all the author does is develop a difficult thought by asking himself this question. The melancholic presentation of the vocals and psychedelia of the musical canvas of the composition reflects the battle of the author's inner world with the latest world challenges. 

The musical minimalism of the single in experimental form marks the emergence of great problems for humanity in the future where each of us must be responsible for tomorrow. The song sounds in an new wave mood with a sharp piano and space synthesizers that plays at a moderate pace with fat electric basses.

In the music video 'Why Should I Care?' filmed by Nick Gaven and Jake Graves we see a visualization of Christian's ideas. The space theme is intertwined with historical shots that make the clip more pumping. The interesting effects used in this film raise the track to a new level of understanding of the work of this original London artist. Listen to the single 'Why Should I Care?' and watch the music video on YouTube below to find answers to this and other philosophical questions along with Christian Prior.