Indie Dock Music Blog

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Hamilton Hound – The Distance
As a result of the cooperation of the British artist Hamilton Hound and producer James Mason, the single 'The Distance' was released. In the recording of this song, the wonderful singer Liz Arcane also took part.

The Distanceis a cool neosolul in which modern production and high-quality musical content meet. Hamilton Hound leads the main vocals in a warm and cozy form of musical accompaniment. His lyrics directly touch our hearts because they talk about life's problems that surround us here and now.  

A female backing vocal line with melodic phrasing creates a gentle and warm aura. Electronic beats and a graceful jazz organ perfectly intersect with deep bass and nostalgic arpeggios on the piano. A sweet trumpet adds the finishing touches, bringing a jazzy vibes.  

Listen to the single 'The Distance' below on Spotify and enjoy Hamilton Hound's awesome song.