Indie Dock Music Blog

Larry Karpenko - Little Things New (single)              Para Lia - Mind Song (single)              Oreaganomics - And Introducing.....shane!!! (album)              Merigold - Digital Empathy (video)     - falling fwd (single)              Mother Vulture - Slow Down (single)                         
Kitty Kant Collective – compilation volume one
Kitty Kant Collective is a unique project and a group of ideologically united people who bring their common art and their special mission to the masses. The new creative association includes musicians and producers from many countries, including USA, Czechia, Estonia, Sweden, Turkey, and Azerbaijan.

Kitty Kant Collective are united under the banner of 'solarpunk' and care about the creation of an anti-capitalist utopia, in the sense of diversifying our everyday life with creativity and self-development. In our completely capitalist age, this thesis is more relevant than ever, because the bourgeoisie and consumption do not allow society to move forward.  

On June 28, Kitty Kant Collective released the album 'Kitty Kant Collective compilation volume one', which will also be available on audiocassette. On the presented collection are 9 original compositions that represent the result of the cooperation of various artists and musicians who helped each other in the strengthened implementation of creative ideas.

Musically, 'Kitty Kant Collective compilation volume one' is a diverse mixture of dream pop and post punk, avant-garde and electronica. 'Kitty Kant Collective compilation volume' one is a meaningful and useful record that you must listen to and appreciate.