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Sexgeräusche – Fest der Liebe
On December 12, the new single of the German punk-rock band Sexgeräusche was released. The song is called 'Fest der Liebe' it tells about a drunken psychopath who is chasing his beloved. Actually, as the author of the song himself notes, the track is an alternative to all songs about Christmas and about the desire to get drunk in a bar.

The group Sexgeräusche was formed in the rehearsal room of the city of Freiburg, where the extraordinary history of this charismatic collective began. The guys mix elements of punk, funk, SKA and hip-hop in their music and they call it the new style Skank. It is hard to disagree, because the originality of the music product from Sexgeräusche is undeniable.  

Let's say, the song 'Fest der Liebe' has a pumped up, tense atmosphere with an interesting vocal line and a driving force. Wonderful sounds spill over the entire musical composition, creating a kind of festive mood, which is appropriate. The song 'Fest der Liebe' by Sexgeräusche is not only punk-rock, but also an experimental and, one might say, innovative work.  

Listen to the single 'Fest der Liebe' below on Spotify and get energized by the bright Sexgeräusche.