Indie Dock Music Blog

Skeletorus - Mercury (video)              Jamie Michael - SIRIUS (video)              RØSES - Larvae (single)              Tom Minor - It's the Wind, Stupid! (single)              Spouses - Indian Summer (single)              Diggsy - Tell Me (single)                         
Plastic Barricades – Second-hand Dreams
Plastic Barricades is the brainchild of London based singer-songwriter Dan Kert. The band is preparing for the release of their third album and the single 'Second-hand Dreams' is part of their upcoming record. A team of professionals worked on the production of this track and the result is in front of us.

The song 'Second-hand Dreams' has a bright indie rock sound full of guitar arpeggios with a light overload and constantly moving harmony. The track is alive and touching, it tells about the dreamy desires of all humanity and how we seek solace in the tomorrow that has not yet come, and we ignore the real moment of the present. The velvety voice of the vocalist perfectly leads the melodic line, opening before us real life wisdom.  

In the music video 'Second-hand Dreams', created with the help of the latest developments in AI-assisted text-to-video algorithms, we embark on a renewed journey through city life with its zombie work, bourgeois rules and customs of communication. Boxes of offices and a line of cars in traffic jams, many people hurrying home after work, all this oppresses our psyche and such songs as 'Second-hand Dreams' have their special mission to stop and look around.  

Watch the music video 'Second-hand Dreams' below on YouTube and check out the new single from the really great band Plastic Barricades.